Position Papers
Delegates in all of the following committees must submit their position paper to the email addresses listed below by no later than Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 11:59PM EST.
Position papers are REQUIRED to be submitted prior to the deadline to make a delegate eligible for awards. Position papers are expected to be a maximum of 2 pages single-spaced. Any research should be cited (any citation format is allowed, although Chicago is preferred).
Delegates in Crisis committees or the Ad Hoc Specialized Committee are NOT required to write position papers.
Please contact your Head Delegate for the password for Background Guides. If this is not possible, email Cat at chargee@mcmun.org
Committee Emails:
The World Food Programme (WFP): wfpmcmun@gmail.com
The Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM): mcmunsochum@gmail.com
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO): icaomcmun@gmail.com
Commission on Science and Technology for Development: cstdmcmun@gmail.com
African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights: achprmcmun@gmail.com
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific: escapmcmun@gmail.com
World Summit for Social Development: wssdmcmun@gmail.com
Journalistic Wayback Archive: journalistic.spec.mcmun@gmail.com
ICJ: Burkina Faso/Mali: icj.spec.mcmun@gmail.com
French Bilingual FESMAN: fesman.spec.mcmun@gmail.com
ICC Northern Nourishment: icc.spec.mcmun@gmail.com
CBV Scandal 2014: cbv.spec.mcmun@gmail.com
Red Bull Board of Directors: redbull.spec.mcmun@gmail.com