Annus Horribilis: British Monarchy vs. the Media
Joint Crisis Committee
On November 24, 1992, Queen Elizabeth II, looking back on the year which had seen numerous scandals for the royal family, referred to it as an “Annus Horribilis,” a horrible year. The tension between the media and the royals came to a head several times throughout the year through events such as the publication of Princess Diana’s tell-all memoir which exposed scandals within the family and reporting of the Duchess of York’s affair with her financial advisor. Hit after hit against the royal family culminated in the Queen’s speech and her remarking, “there can be no doubt… that criticism is good for people and institutions that are part of public life… But we are all part of the same fabric of our national society and that scrutiny, by one part of another, can be just as effective if it is made with a touch of gentleness, good humour and understanding.”
In essence, she desired more compassion and fairer coverage from reporters after a year which she felt had allowed her neither. The press was also criticized by the public for using questionable methods to obtain their information, such as privately bugging Charles’s and Diana’s phones. In examining the “Annus Horribilis” through this committee, we can delve into the tension that existed between reporters and the royals at this time, the former capitalizing on exposing the family’s flaws to garner notoriety and sell issues, and the latter desperately trying to rescue their public image, and thus their role in the eyes of society, from decimation.
Both sides will vie to ultimately gain the trust and attention of the public, whether it be through the reconciliation of both parties or the diminishment of the influence of one. The Crown and the press can either seek common ground or the termination of their opposing force. However, both must be attentive to the needs, the desires, and the principles of the British people they claim to represent.
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Crisis Director
Alex Horbal
The British Monarchy
Joshua Hill
Lucie Taieb
Assistant Crisis Director
Emelyn Broniek
The British Press
Sam Haward
Jessica Maloney
Assistant Crisis Director
Timur Saiful